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Predicted properties of the compound entered.

Formula C122H126N18O6
IUPAC Name 2-{4-[(E)-2-{4-[(E)-2-(4-{[6-(4-{1,1-bis[4-({6-[butyl({4-[(E)-2-{4-[(E)-2-[4-cyano-5-(dicyanomethylidene)-2,2-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-yl]ethenyl]phenyl}diazen-1-yl]phenyl})amino]hexyl}oxy)phenyl]ethyl}phenoxy)hexyl](butyl)amino}phenyl)diazen-1-yl]phenyl}ethenyl]-3-cyano-5,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-ylidene}propanedinitrile
Standard InChI
Standard InChIKey
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Other Names and Identifiers
Standard InChI (User Input) InChI=1S/C122H126N18O6/c1-11-14-71-138(104-56-50-101(51-57-104)135-132-98-44-29-89(30-45-98)35-68-113-110(86-129)116(92(80-123)81-124)144-119(113,4)5)74-23-17-20-26-77-141-107-62-38-95(39-63-107)122(10,96-40-64-108(65-41-96)142-78-27-21-18-24-75-139(72-15-12-2)105-58-52-102(53-59-105)136-133-99-46-31-90(32-47-99)36-69-114-111(87-130)117(93(82-125)83-126)145-120(114,6)7)97-42-66-109(67-43-97)143-79-28-22-19-25-76-140(73-16-13-3)106-60-54-103(55-61-106)137-134-100-48-33-91(34-49-100)37-70-115-112(88-131)118(94(84-127)85-128)146-121(115,8)9/h29-70H,11-28,71-79H2,1-10H3/b68-35+,69-36+,70-37+,135-132+,136-133+,137-134+
Non-Standard InChI
Non-Standard InChIKey
Other Names and Identifiers
Property Value Unit Accuracy
Absolute Entropy of Ideal Gas at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Acentric Factor - - -
Critical Compressibility Factor - - -
Critical Pressure - - -
Critical Temperature - - -
Critical Volume - - -
Enthalpy of Formation for Ideal Gas at 298.15K - - -
Liquid Molar Volume at 298.15K - - -
Molecular Weight - - -
Net Standard State Enthalpy of Combustion at 298.15K - - -
Normal Boiling Point - - -
Melting Point - - -
Refractive Index - - -
Solubility Parameter at 298.15K - - -
Standard State Absolute Entropy at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Standard State Enthalpy of Formation at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Magnetic Susceptibility - - -
Polarizability - - -
Flash Point - - -
Parachor - - -
Lower Flammability Limit Temperature - - -
Lower Flammability Limit Volume Percent - - -
Upper Flammability Limit Temperature - - -
Upper Flammability Limit Volume Percent - - -
Liquid Density at Normal Boiling Point - - -
Heat of Vaporization at 298.15K - - -
Heat of Vaporization at Normal Boiling Point - - -
Water Solubility - - -