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Predicted properties of the compound entered.

Formula C7H5ClN2O3
IUPAC Name 2-chloro-4-nitrobenzamide
Standard InChI
Standard InChIKey
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Other Names and Identifiers
Standard InChI (User Input) InChI=1S/C7H5ClN2O3/c8-6-3-4(10(12)13)1-2-5(6)7(9)11/h1-3H,(H2,9,11)
Non-Standard InChI
Non-Standard InChIKey
Other Names and Identifiers 2-Chloro-4-nitrobenzamide | 2-chloro-4-nitro-benzamide | 3011-89-0 | BSPBio_002988 | SPECTRUM1503014 | KBioGR_001446 | Spectrum4_000923 | IDI1_000648 | SPBio_001581 | NINDS_000648 | DivK1c_000648 | 2-Chlor-4-nitrobenzamid | AKLOMIDE | Aklomida [INN-Spanish] | Aklomide [USAN:BAN:INN] | Aklomidum [INN-Latin] | Aklomix | Alkomide | Benzamide, 2-chloro-4-nitro- | Caswell No. 198A | Clomide | EINECS 221-143-7 | EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 298100 | M & B 5921 | NSC 191832 | Novastat | Novastat-W | component of Aklomix | component of Novastat-W | ZINC00000887 | KBio1_000648 | Spectrum5_001605 | Aklomide (USAN/INN) | KBio3_002488 | ST5407527 | D02785 | 33992_RIEDEL | NCGC00094557-01 | NCGC00094557-02 | NCGC00094557-03 | Spectrum2_001511 | Spectrum3_001544 | NSC191832
Property Value Unit Accuracy
Absolute Entropy of Ideal Gas at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Acentric Factor - - -
Critical Compressibility Factor - - -
Critical Pressure - - -
Critical Temperature - - -
Critical Volume - - -
Enthalpy of Formation for Ideal Gas at 298.15K - - -
Liquid Molar Volume at 298.15K - - -
Molecular Weight - - -
Net Standard State Enthalpy of Combustion at 298.15K - - -
Normal Boiling Point - - -
Melting Point - - -
Refractive Index - - -
Solubility Parameter at 298.15K - - -
Standard State Absolute Entropy at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Standard State Enthalpy of Formation at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Magnetic Susceptibility - - -
Polarizability - - -
Flash Point - - -
Parachor - - -
Lower Flammability Limit Temperature - - -
Lower Flammability Limit Volume Percent - - -
Upper Flammability Limit Temperature - - -
Upper Flammability Limit Volume Percent - - -
Liquid Density at Normal Boiling Point - - -
Heat of Vaporization at 298.15K - - -
Heat of Vaporization at Normal Boiling Point - - -
Water Solubility - - -